Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

How the pain of a tremendous loss led me to my purpose
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

How the pain of a tremendous loss led me to my purpose

Sonya Joy Mack had dreams for her and her mother’s future together filled with milestones and travels. But a grim diagnosis changed everything. After years of grieving and asking God for answers, she found that her pain served a greater purpose.

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When I Second-Guessed God
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

When I Second-Guessed God

Lynne Modranksi was preparing to be a grandmother. But when the timing of her grandson’s birth didn’t go as she’d prayed it would, she was reminded that God has bigger plans for a reason.

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As I faced my worst fears as a mother, I learned to trust God
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

As I faced my worst fears as a mother, I learned to trust God

When Carrie Holt’s son was born with special needs, she had to face some of her worst fears. As her son was again wheeled into the hospital, she wondered where God was. Through the encouragement of friends and family, she was reminded of the answer: He was beside her.

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