The chains of addiction were broken

By Jon Thompson 

I have been delivered from an addiction. And I'm very grateful for that.

In 2015. I had a job that I really liked, which hasn't happened very often in my life. And before I had this job, I was driving a truck working 70 hours a week.

So when this job came about, it was a blessing. I was able to get off the road, I spent more time at home.

Then in 2016 the company I worked for reorganized, so I went from management to a grunt to a nobody. And during this process, I didn't realize how much this was affecting me emotionally and mentally.

Up to this point, I mainly dealt with my emotions and anxiety by acting out with unhealthy behaviors. So that's what I did, until 2017 when it blew up. 

I found out that everything that I had been dealing with for the last 40-some years actually was an addiction. I had no idea. 

Confronting addiction 

I didn't know what to do, so I just went into cleanup mode. I did everything I could do. 

I signed up for Celebrate Recovery, I found a therapist, I went to a small group, I did everything I thought I was supposed to do to help me get fixed. 

I knew if I didn't fix this problem, I was gonna lose my marriage, my kids, my grandkids.

I kept on checking off boxes in my 12 step class, thinking, “Hey, I'm doing good.”

I started The Ultimate Journey, and that was the game changer for me. That’s where I met the Holy Spirit in a way I'd never, ever imagined.

He took me back as able to reconnect to my childhood, I was able to reconnect to my inner child, to be able to understand what happened to me as a kid and being able to understand where Jesus was. 

Then in September 2017, it blew up again. I realized that I was not in recovery. I had not been sober for seven months, I was still acting out, I was still doing all my old behaviors, I just hid it better. 

Songs of praise filled the car

Things started going better, and it’s been better.

Earlier this year, I was driving back from St. Cloud, Minnesota, and I was sitting in silence. I realized that the silence was not helping at all, so I plugged my phone into the car.

I just found one song after another, and I had a phenomenal worship service with Jesus. He put together a playlist for me, just song after song after song. 

The words rang out:

 “I am free.”

“The chains are broken.”“I am loved.”

Everything that I had been wanting.  Finally, the Zach Williams song came on, “Fear is a Liar.” The chorus just struck me: 

“Let Your fire fall and cast out all my fears / Let Your fire fall Your love is all I feel.”

A moment of trust - and peace 

The Holy Spirit fell in the car. I just sat there, and at that very moment, something struck me to the core. Nothing like that had happened to me before. 

I had total, unbelievable peace. 

I knew that if anything happened to me at the moment, I was going to be alright. I had a deep understanding, a deep feeling inside. I understood that God loves me. 

I don’t have a job right now, but that’s okay, because I know we are going to be okay. 

I have unshakable peace.

I want to give Glory to God for everything he has done for me, because if it wasn’t for Him, I wouldn’t be here right now. And I want to give him thanks for that.


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